Sunday, May 22, 2005

Stay on the Course, the right course ? Part-!

Stay on Course !!! Part-1-A Don't let Newsweek finger-pointing obscure the central question. Writing in Friday's Opinion Journal, Ali al-Ahmed -- director of the Saudi Institute in Washington -- explains: ................. As a Muslim, I am able to purchase copies of the Quran in any bookstore in any American city, and study its contents in countless American universities. American museums spend millions to exhibit and celebrate Muslim arts and heritage. On the other hand, my Christian and other non-Muslim brothers and sisters in Saudi Arabia--where I come from--are not even allowed to own a copy of their holy books. Indeed, the Saudi government desecrates and burns Bibles that its security forces confiscate at immigration points into the kingdom or during raids on Christian expatriates worshiping privately. . . As Muslims, we have not been as generous as our Christian and Jewish counterparts in respecting others' holy books and religious symbols. Saudi Arabia bans the importation or the display of crosses, Stars of David or any other religious symbols not approved by the Wahhabi establishment. TV programs that show Christian clergymen, crosses or Stars of David are censored. . .The lesson here is simple: If Muslims wish other religions to respect their beliefs and their Holy book, they should lead by example. (via GOP Bloggers) 2 Comments :..... He has an excellent point, and I am glad he took the trouble to make it. Yet the point for these societies that don't have our freedoms is that they will never hear it.It's not that Islam is incompatible with democracy; it's that no religion is compatible with totalitarianism. By MaxedOutMama, at 9:03 PM .. Ben-Zab wrote :- Dear,..... You are right about Quran about its open availablity in the USA..I want to tell you, that an old woman of the family I am staying within USA, presented me a copy of the Holy Quran, when I came to USA in 2003. Many of the people here, I have witnessed, have the utmost respect about (us) Muslims. Some don't but it is because they have limited knowledge about Islam. We should do a lot in this respect. ...................... Christian friends here are surprised when they come toknow that we Muslims believe in Bible, Jesus as prophed of God, thathe was born to virgin Mary with God's command, that he is alive andis still to come to deliver us from the evil. We are a step ahead ofour Christian friends only.So, many of us will be doing great service to Islam if we contribute byenlightening non-Muslims about what Islam really is.Please keep your effort up. I have your blog address and I keep on reading your contributions. By BEN_ZAB, at 12:51 AM


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