Sajra Noor celebrated her birth-day to-day in Lahore. I spoke to her. She said she does not want a 'gift'. Why ? She explained and said she wanted me back. I told her I will come at Gori's wedding. After hearing this she was happy. I spoke to Anne too. Sajra Noor is my grand-daughter and Tanvir's daughter. They are in Lahore and with aunt Lubna for their summer vocations. I miss all of them.
A voice in USA from Narowal, Pakistan
The Day keeps on moving EVEN if you don't like it.......
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Friday, July 29, 2005
He goes on trial.
Saddam appears before tribunal
The Iraqi Special Tribunal trying
Saddam Hussein on Friday released photographs of the toppled leader being questioned on the |
Thursday, July 28, 2005
My submission to Anglo Muslim question BEN ZAB said... Dear, ... I have gone thru your questions. They are a good effortto bring people of different religions closer which, I believe, can bring peace in the world. I heard to-day at 7:30 pm central on Fox here some christian preacher saying that the Muslims' God was different than the God the Christians believed in. All people agree that Jews, Christians and Muslims' God was the same. however. I fail to understand what service that christian preacher did by saying that. Islam is the only, the ONLY, religion in the world which recoginses Jesus born to virgin Mary and Prophet of God. So why channels like Fox are allowing such thoughts to go around ? Tell me when your write on this subject. I will wait.Good luck and all ready to co-operatre with you. July 28, 2005 9:38 PM
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Tired of Weeping
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Look who supports General Musharraf ?
The US agenda in the Islamic world is not to spread liberty but to protect US vital interests and prevent democrats from coming into power. The neo-conservatives have constantly dismissed opponents of their position as supporters of the status quo and apologists for tyrants and dictators. Remember who supported dictators like Saddam Hussain, General Zia Ul Haq, Seke Mubuto etc during the eighties? Who is supporting General Musharraf, Hosnie Mubarak and the dirty despots of the Middle East now? These same neo-conservatives who were then a part of Mr Reagan's administration and are gathered around George Bush now. KHALID MEHMUD. Islamabad, via e-mail, July 16.
Monday, July 25, 2005
3 Innocent young Kashmiri boys killed by Indian Army.

Sunday, July 24, 2005
Pakistan PM in Kabul.
Past Relationships.
Sir: This is in reference to Dr Hasan Askri Rizvis article (Musharrafs new campaign against extremism, Daily Times, July 24, 2005). As usual, the writer hit the nail on the head but he was mild in his criticism. By now we all know our general inside out.
With 9/11, he took a V instead of a U turn. For a U manoeuvre, you need time and distance to turn back but with V you can turn back without thinking for a moment. Musharraf is complying with western demands to the extent of national humiliation. Now with the 7/7 bombing in London, he has once again focused his energy on extremists, whose patron saints he shares his political spoils with. Is he kidding himself or us or the world?
Two extremist entities have brought the country to the verge of disaster again and again military and mullahs. The military has destroyed our political culture while the mullahs are destroying our society through violence. The two have a marriage of convenience to keep away the genuine political parties.
Today, the military is trying to disentangle itself from its past relationship with the mullahs but it is not easy, as the offspring of this union inhabit the military itself.
Karachi ...... link Daily Times, Lahore. Letters col. July 25, 2005
Saturday, July 23, 2005

Heralds of Tolerance. ---- a love letter ----- Musharraf meets Islam Karimov, the butcher of Andijan, they resolve to co-operate with each other in fighting the threats to their regimes. Musharraf meets Bush, the butcher of Iraq and Afghanistan, vows to continue the War on Terror. Musharraf praises Sharon, the butcher of Beruit, as a courageous leader. Musharaf, then, says the flaw lies with the Ummah, it needs to be more tolerant. Indeed. -MOEZ MOBEEN, Islamabad, via e-mail, June 6.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Near Narowal Pakistan a new chapter of history is being written
" Who can measure the freedom
Of waves of ecstatic Chenab
and the carefree winds of the East?'
But the Govt of India did attempt to measure it.
Because it thought when the freedom of rivers could be
arrested in the big dams of Bhakra etc who bothers
the currents of the tiny Ravi. But it has proved
wrong. Ravi has uprooted many a border pillar and
washed away the barbed fencing that separated the two
people of India and Pakistan who were once one like
the waters of Ravi and the winds that bother little
the borders.
Yesterday many newspapers of Punjab have carried the
story how Ravi has washed away Barbed Border and the
Pillars and the BSF pickets. But no loss to life.
Govt of India which seldom hears the agonies of people
rose to the occasion and has immediately sanctioned
Rs. 1.5 crores for repairs of Border Fence.
The amount otherwise meant meals for about 30,00000
hungry mouths of Orissa, Andhra, Jharkhand, Bihar etc
whose crores of people are living below poverty line.
These newspapers have also posted photos of barbed
wire being washed away.
This has happened near Kartarpur territory. Should I
take it a positive omen?
Kartarpur Kooker
This group is dedicated to millions of Punjabis
separated by the barbed-border between India and
Pakistan. Primarily it seeks passport/visa-free
corridor from Indian side to the first shrine of Sikhs
namely Kartarpur sahib, Narowal in Pakistan for which
Pakistan Govt has agreed in principle. See Besides day to day
discussions we will keep the members posted with the
latest developments on this Corridor or the Passage to
Peace Project.
Please Subscribe to:
Registering concern about women rapes in Pakistan.
A way out to Protest !!! Help vitims by registering Your views ....... Attacks on women and children unfortunately happen all around the world, here in the US our women are raped, beaten,kidnapped and killed as well as our children. The difference is that the government and religious leaders do not condone it or cover it up with the exception of the Catholic Church Sex Abuse Scandals. It is going to take the commitment of the Pakistani community (globally) to stand up and let their voces be heard on this issue. With that US Senator Clinto is repected around the world for her work in Human/Womens Rights her contact information is: Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton United States Senate 476 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Phone: (202) 224-4451 General Fax: (202) 228-0282 Scheduling Req Fax: (202) 228-0121 TTY/TDD: (202) 224-6821 The other contact should be made to the Pakistan Peoples Party and/or Ms. Bhutto by e-mail at: In addition Pakistani's should lodge complaints with the Embassy in DC, write letters to the editors of the national and local papers/magazines, encourage the Pakistani Community/Cultural/Business Associations to speak out as well.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
An other girl story
A minor abduction A 9-year-old girl, Maryam Sadiq, was abducted for ransom this February and was smuggled to the rugged lands of Gardez, Afghanistan. None, but a close relative was found guilty when the Public Complaint Bureau of the Pakistan Muslim League pursued the case. She is back home and going to her school regularly but the worries of her mother have not yet ended, for the culprit is not in the custody of the police and that threatens a repeat of the ugly episode. Who should now take care of Maryam - police or the PML Public Complaint Bureau? -REEM PASHA, Islamabad, via e-mail, June 19. |
Sayings of the Prophet.
People of knowledge are the inheritors of the Prophets.
~ The Prophet Mohammed (s).
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
From the balcony of White House

Master's REP talking to the humble servant.
Two in uniform: Border violations won’t be tolerated, Abizaid told* Musharraf asks for more technical support from United States * Abizaid praises Pakistan Army and law enforcing agenciesRAWALPINDI: Pakistan will not tolerate future violations of its frontiers and will thwart infiltration into areas it controls, said President Pervez Mushrraf...

Lamar. MO. 64759 USA
You are welcome !!!
A new friend from K-2 Global writes; You have a very interesting blog about Pakistan, if possible I would like to exchange link with you. Go ahead .... its everybody's space.
Blessings of a Prophet.
Acquire knowledge. It enables its possessor to distinguish right from wrong; it lights the way to Heaven; it is our friend in the desert, our society in solitude, our companion when friendless; it guides us to happiness; it sustains us in misery; it is an ornament among friends, and an armour against enemies.
~ The Prophet Muhammad. (s)
Monday, July 18, 2005

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Saturday, July 16, 2005
Is it a Election promise ?????
Dual-carriageway to link Lahore and Narowal
Friday, July 15, 2005

Thursday, July 14, 2005
ANAA. Muktharan Mai. Khalid Hassan and his Post-Card.
Sir: In a Daily Times article dated July 6, (, I was surprised to read about the accusation against the Asian American Network Against Abuse of Women (ANAA). Even more surprising was the fact that the article was written by Khalid Hasan, a renowned Pakistani journalist, who merely took his information from another article and presented it without bothering to check his facts. Mr Hasan quotes the editor-in-chief of Muslim Weekly, claiming that ANAA has been criticised by some in the Pakistani-American community for playing into the hands of lobbies who do not wish Pakistan well and are always ready to blacken its name. The names of the two persons comprising this lobby are Amit Shah and Gautam Desai. Perhaps Mr Hasan should do a background check on Mr Desai and Mr Shah before he hurls such baseless accusations.
I know both gentlemen personally and Mr Hasans and Mr Anwars comments cannot be further from the truth. Both Mr Desai and Mr Shah have put in a great deal of effort to help foster dialogue and friendly relations between Indians and Pakistanis in the United States. Mr Desai, who is also a Gujarati, has committed his personal funds to helping the Indian Muslim victims of the Gujarat carnage. Develop in Peace is a non-profit organisation which is run entirely on the voluntary efforts of those striving to maintain peace between the people of the Indo-Pak subcontinent. Mr Hasan claims that Dr Amit Shah and Gautam Desai . are accused of being the moving spirits behind the current anti-Pakistan media campaign. I would like to see even one piece of evidence that supports this allegation.
As for blackening Pakistans name, I doubt there is much that ANAA can do further than what the Musharraf government has already done to tarnish Pakistans image abroad. The issue is not that violent practices and gross human rights violations continue to take place in the name of culture in Pakistan. All countries are guilty of human rights abuses to some extent.
The issue is how these violations are handled and whether or not legal justice is served. What is perhaps the height of naïveté is the assumption that by keeping Mukhtar Mai under house arrest, we can somehow protect Pakistans image abroad. In my opinion, President Musharrafs decision to keep Mukhtar Mai from travelling was akin to shooting himself in the foot. A hero like Mai should be a matter of pride for Pakistan. The courage and resilience with which she has dealt with her situation serves as an inspiration to all women and men over the world.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005
The latest about Trains in Pakistan
AP via Yahoo! News Wed, 13 Jul 2005 5:51 AM PDT
Three trains collided in a deadly chain reaction in southern
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
3 Trains collide in Pakistan killings 60 people
Fox, USA, just reported that three passengers trains collided with each other in Pakistan in which over 60 people have been killed. More details are coming in.
US woman lost while scakling K-2 in Pakistan
AP via Yahoo! Asia News Tue, 12 Jul 2005 10:04 AM PDT
An American woman was missing and feared dead after being caught
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First Lady in Africa

God's grace !!!
We seek from God success in the observance of adab. He who does not observe propriety is excluded from Gods grace.
~ Rumi (translated Nur-bakhsh).
7 Rapists arrested
Pakistan police arrest seven men over alleged revenge gang rape. By AFP ...Middle East Times Published July 6, 2005 Pakistani police have arrested seven men who allegedly gang raped a married woman to avenge her relative's suspected role in the abduction of a girl, police said on Wednesday. The attack appears similar to one involving another woman, Mukhtaran Mai, who was raped on the orders of a tribal jury in 2002 and whose treatment by Pakistan authorities has caused international outrage. Police said that in the latest incident armed men abducted the 25-year-old woman from her home in the rural town of Chiniot in central Pakistan last month and allegedly raped her at gunpoint. She was recovered from a nearby village when police raided the house of a man who later claimed that she was abducted "to avenge the kidnapping of his daughter by a man in her family", said police officer Humayun Masood. The woman told a local magistrate that she was raped by eight men for two days, head of the local police station Mohammad Mumtaz said. She denied involvement of her relatives in the abduction in May of the man's 20-year-old daughter, he said. "We have arrested seven people," Masood said. Police were trying to arrest the eighth suspect, he said. Women in Pakistan are often subjected to brutal "honor punishments", such as murder, rape and being burned with acid, to pay for the alleged crimes of relatives. In June Pakistan was criticized by the United States for its handling of the Mukhtaran Mai case after it banned the 33-year-old from leaving the country to speak to human rights groups. Pakistan's Supreme Court last week ordered the rearrest of 13 men linked to her case and suspended their acquittals by lower courts