Dear (all) ........ aoa ......., . Any student of political science knows very well that the Democracts have different stand on Pakistan. Its only Bush government which has used Pakistan for over years against the USSR and now against the, so called Talibans, people struggling to free Afghanistan of the foreign forces. They are not, in my singular oponion, what is called muslim fundamentalists but re-actionaries. When you kill one's father, wife and children what is left for him or her in this world. So they are becoming bombars and killing their own brothers in Pakistan beside fighting the forces. No government led by the Democrates has ever invaded Pakistan in the past. Its only Bush and his Jew allies who are responsible for all the ills in Pakistan. I was surprized to see 99 per cent of Pakistanis against the USA, a country which used to be a beloved country before the 9/11, for Bush is responsible and so is his party. So, dear friends, tell your other friends to come up to the occasion and defeat the Republicans in the coming November 2008 elections. This would be a big service to your former country where your ancesters still live. Good luck. Yours, Zulfiqar Butt ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------
--- On Wed, 10/8/08, Syed Ehtisham <> wrote:
From: Syed Ehtisham <> Subject: Re: [CRDP] Black Day and Lawyers To: Date: Wednesday, October 8, 2008, 5:04 AM
Dear Zulfiqar, We already do that. The problem is that both parties have nearly identical stand on Pakistan. it is up to Pakistani rulers to develop some back bone. Ehtisham
Dr. Syed Ehtisham (607) 776-3336 Blog syedehtisham. blogspot. com Feudalism, militarism, fundamentalism and bureaucrats constitute the evil Quad in Pakistan.
--- On Wed, 10/8/08, Zulfiqar Butt <zabutt45@yahoo. com> wrote: From: Zulfiqar Butt <zabutt45@yahoo. com> Subject: Re: [CRDP] Black Day and Lawyers To: crdp@yahoogroups. com Date: Wednesday, October 8, 2008, 5:59 AM
All dears, ..... aoa....., . Don't waste time, as there are hundreds of thousands of people in Pakistan, to do such exorcises on issues like the lawyers. If you want to contribute some thing for Pakistan it should be watching things coming up regarding the 2008 US elections. See what the two USA candidates are saying about Pakistan. I wonder why you miss such an important issue. Its results will be much bigger to count after the November elections. So write to US newspapers, Senators, members of the lower house and your State functionaries. You can also educate other Asian voters to see that only such a candidate wins the election and becomes the President of the USA who would favour Pakistan in the coming days. Don't fear any kind of US action as you are living in the USA and have rights there. Writing about Pakistan issues is a very easy target while living in the USA. Be a Pakistan champion while contributing to issues concerning Pakistan WHILE living in the States. Yours, Zulfiqar Butt ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ______
--- On Tue, 10/7/08, Syed Ehtisham <syedmae@yahoo. com> wrote:
From: Syed Ehtisham <syedmae@yahoo. com> Subject: Re: [CRDP] Black Day and Lawyers To: crdp@yahoogroups. com Date: Tuesday, October 7, 2008, 3:15 PM
"Gaya wakht phir haath aata nahin".
Dr. Syed Ehtisham (607) 776-3336 Blog syedehtisham. blogspot. com Feudalism, militarism, fundamentalism and bureaucrats constitute the evil Quad in Pakistan.
--- On Tue, 10/7/08, Mohammad Taqi <> wrote: From: Mohammad Taqi <> Subject: Re: [CRDP] Black Day and Lawyers To: "crdp@yahoogroups. com" <crdp@yahoogroups. com> Date: Tuesday, October 7, 2008, 2:36 PM
Apparently,Chaudhry Sahib doesn't believe in a graceful exit, does he?
It is lame to say that with Marriott gone the lawyers conference cannot be held. What happened to Serena,PC ,Holiday Inn or some university venue. But then he has not been known to take ownership of his miscalculations.
Regards ,
------------ --------- ----- Mohammad Taqi I would have thought they would celebrate a white flag day.
| October 07, 2008 | Tuesday | Shawwal 7, 1429 |
Lawyers to observe black day on Nov 3
By Shujaat Ali Khan
KARACHI, Oct 6: Lawyers will observe a countrywide black day on Nov 3 to protest against the government's failure to restore the pre-Nov 3, 2007, judiciary, according to Supreme Court Bar Association President Aitzaz Ahsan.
Addressing a press conference on behalf of the lawyers' National Coordination Council here on Monday, he accused the ruling party of having violated election promises and repeated solemn commitments and said that they planned to hold a demonstration on the Constitution Avenue in Islamabad to mark the day. "Everybody is invited."
Emphatically saying that 'no decision had yet been taken to stage a sit-in', he said the protest's "timing, logistics and mechanics" would be worked out later. He said that other details might have been decided if the media had not stormed the Sindh High Court Bar Association's committee room where members of the coordination council's steering committee were meeting, he said, referring to the media people's insistence to hold the press briefing at 5 p.m. as scheduled.
According to Mr Ahsan, Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry would "decorate lawyers rendering sacrifices during the movement for an independent judiciary".
The first such ceremony would be held in Lahore on Oct 23 and another in Hyderabad on Nov 15, he said.
Referring to the international jurists' conference that was to be held in early October, Mr Ahsan said it had been cancelled because of the Marriott Hotel blast. Justice Iftikhar, he said, would visit the United States in the third week of November to receive the Medal of Freedom conferred on him by the Harvard University.
The honour had previously been conferred on Nelson Mandela and US Justice Thurgot Marshal.
Denying that the lawyers' resolve for restoration of the independence of judiciary was weakening, Mr Ahsan said it was as firm as ever.
He said that the deposed judges' decision to take a fresh oath had relieved the pressure on the government only for the time being. The judges who had taken a fresh oath had accepted that their removal on Nov 3, 2007, was constitutionally valid, he added. It set a bad precedent and another "adventurer may feel prompted not only to sack superior court judges but also detain them to subjugate the judiciary", Mr Ahsan said.
The movement, the SCBA chief said, had, however, been owned by the entire civil society to advance the cause of justice, transparency, good governance and accountability. It would continue till the reinstatement of the last deposed judge in accordance with the Constitution. He said the lawyers' movement had already won historic achievements. It made possible the return of exiled political leaders, the holding of elections on schedule and Gen Pervez Musharraf's relinquishment of the office of army chief.
He said if Justice Iftikhar was functional as the CJ, he would have taken notice of the ever rising prices, load-shedding, burying women alive in Balochistan and other such issues. Dr. Syed Ehtisham (607) 776-3336 Blog syedehtisham. blogspot. com Feudalism, militarism, fundamentalism and bureaucrats constitute the evil Quad in Pakistan. | | | | __._,_.___ Coalition For Restoration of Democracy in Pakistan . __,_._,___ |
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