, it is just another day. Sometimes one suffers not only physicially but
emotionally (not mentelly) too.
You can imagine my plight when I am in the USA, facing my illness alone.
My health condition forces me not to work so I move very carefully out of my
abode. Its very very cold and I come from a warm area.
I always have a fear that I might get cold.
So is it. I am waiting for a nice time ..... which appears to be at hand
but I can't face some of the adversities here. Approach of some unkind
people, I mean. I am not used to it. People respected me in Pakistan in an
other way. Here you a 'man' only even if you look like a grand-pa.
I tried to get into a newspaper job but fail. What to do? My doctors don't
want me to do any kind of job but how to survive ? Is the question on my
mind presently. I hope God is with me and He is helping me out.
With one mistake I lost your phone this time too. I deleted your email which
contained your phone while I was clearing my files on this public computer.
Can you write again ?
We hope to have snow this afternoon for the second time. Hows it with you.
Can you come to the Bus Station (Where?) if I come to you ?
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