Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Islam respects its women but do the Mullahs and its Belivers By: Sheikhyerbooty...posted June 14th . Women are the Nigger of the world;She is the slave of the slaveJohn Lennon------------------------------------------------------------------ A rejoinder to Mr Butt ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Me thinks you need a kick in yr Butt to get yr head rearranged. First of all Islam is hijacked by some mad mullahs who make the Religion go into the dark ages rather than evolve with the times. The teachings of Prophet Mohd are twisted distorted by those who need such harsh measures to push their own personal agenda.In Saudi Arabia a women is not allowed to drive her own car or be allowed to go out except in the company of a male watcher. She has to be in veil wether she likes it or not and her personal freedom is always at the hands of the Mutaawa ( Religious Police). Internet access is denied and women are not encouraged to pursue academicsIran Saudi Arabia which are theocratic states limit the freedom and choices of its people. The real Moslem remains ungraspable as the aloof stereotypical portryals by writers who have manged to caricaturise us thanks to folks like you. These days every Moslem thinks he has a contributary role in the "Laboratory for Islam" . This is done by epousing primitive methods like "stoning to death, Flogging , chopping away limbs etc etc. Mr Butt though lives in the United States of America where Freedom Liberty Justice Equality for all is practised. In the comfort of his home surrounded by these creature comforts our Pontificating Mullah declares- "Gosh Look at all the Decadence thats happening."He can do so without having to feel compromised. Remember Taliban rule which brought abt Islamic Jurisprudence Sharia Law etc etc. If that is what you want Please Mr Butt as and when the Taliban come back to power they will invite you to be the "Minsiter of Primitive Affairs". Until then I suggest you cool your heels in the Land of the Free and enjoy the freedom you have to write such capricous piece which is good in print but far from the ground reality. . Presume you must have done this at a Mac Donalds outlet chomping yr Extra Gooey thick whopper Cheesy Burger and saying "My God hope this is Halal cut and yet falling a victim to yr Hunger Pangs" and saying Hell no I am a Islamist of convience and not by choice; Hence I can bring upon all hardships to those unfortunatwe folks living in Iran or Saudi Arabia.Women are exploited the most even in Islamic ruled countries. Need one talk abt Taslima or the other female writers hounded for their beliefs.In case you doubted Talaq Talaq Talaq can now be sent in as a SMS without yr Kazis intervention. Now that is progress and Pro women aint it, Mr. Butt ?????? An other comment from........ Madhuri Manral} ... Posted by Madhuri Manral on Jun 14, 2005 True that islam gave rights to women and the right of inheritence, which when she marries her husband controls doesnt he. Religion and the practice are two diffrent things.True a woman bears children and as such Must be What pure, within limits. so that mankind continues? But its not for humanity that limits were put on women cause bearing children will continue humanity. no matter which mans child she bears. And yes adultry hurts. But male adultry hurts too. So i wonder why women and not men must remain within limits. and as such i agree with discipline, but never enforced dicipline . Self discipline works best, lastly i have no doubts that islam is a great religion. all religions are great its how men practice and decipher thats what makes a diffrence.


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