Whats going on Kashmir ?
An Indian replies; .... Posted by tombaan on Apr 27, 2005 yes-pakistan has unequivocally agreed to give up the claim on kashmir. In return india agreed not to whoop pakis sorry ass..:)
The Day keeps on moving EVEN if you don't like it.......
An Indian replies; .... Posted by tombaan on Apr 27, 2005 yes-pakistan has unequivocally agreed to give up the claim on kashmir. In return india agreed not to whoop pakis sorry ass..:)
Annantnag writes; The very fact that Pakistan was carved out of India by the British was a sad moment in the history of civilization. Those people who play this British-American tune are enemies of humanity. Is there a reason to build a nation on the principle of "hate"? Hatred begets hatred. If as per Islamic belief and thought "God is Great as well as One", where is the point of disagreement. What was the logic behind threatenning and forcing minorities out of Kashmir? Is this what great religion Islam teaches. So the entire logic of freedom for Kashmiri's sounds absurd and inconsistant. A community that cannot asure safely to its neighbours is nothing but a savage nation. I think Kashmiri's should shake their harness bells to find if there is some mistake, before they are told of what has happening behind the closed doors. They have to realise that Americans and British cannot be friends of Islam...Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Jordon etc are already part slaves of America. Iran is already the next in line. Wait and watch. May 28/2005 at Sulehka.com Then another Indian commented; ........
Musa turns 10 --Happy Birthday.
May 30th marked the national Memorial Day here. Its a day when the nation goes out to their family graveyards to visit their dears departed. Its kind of remembering them but slowly it has turned to be a week long holiday when different families get together, remember their loved ones, enjoy camping out side, go to resorts and lakes. The temperature around here runs to around 80 f but it is very difficult for them to face this temperature. It was, however, like the start of winter in Pakistan. Main family had already decided to go to the lake near Branson, about 140 miles from Lamar, to celebrate this day there but Helen and myself could not join them as we had to go to Kansas city to see Jim, Pearl's husband, who was admitted in the Kansas University hospital in an emergency. He is still in the emergency at the moment but not stable. He has been diagnosed for lung cancer but the doctors are struggling with him. When I appeared on his foot side of his bed he immediately recongnized me. I saw his eyes soaked. I held his hand in my hand and tried to pacify him but I think he knows a lot of his sickness. He asked me to pray for him which I did there by raising my hands before God. Jim is Helen's brother-in-law and a very nice man who, I remember, transported us to Rogers on X'man day in 2003 forgetting his own unties for that day. Helen was very happy to join her all daughters at Sandy's on this important day. He had told me that he knew how one would like to be with one's children at X'mas and it was for this reason that he had driven us both to be with our children there. It was a very kind act on his part which he extended to Helen on this occasion. ... A telephone call: ----- Janet, Raymond's wife, rang today from her farm house to tell me that there was a telephone call from the Hospital in Kansas City about Jim latest health position. She was worried about him and further told me that according to the telephone message which she recieved it was a matter of days. I told her that it is how life moves and that all of us who are in the old ages are facing one or the other serious illnesses. Any way she asked me to tell Helen when she returns from the job. I wished her good health. She thanked me and hand up. ........ Back Home ...... ........ ....... After having spent Sunday and Monday at the lake Helen, Coudee, Alisha and myself returned home around 2pm. There is lot to tell you about our trip to the lake but I am so tired that I could not post a single word. Instead I went to sleep on that soft bed in our bed-room and was only up for super. Helen was surprised to see me sleep on the bed, a very soft bed, instead of sleeping on the floor. Mona and Lori were here towards the evening. They had gone to the family graveyard earlierand prayed for the dears departed.They had met Edina's family there too. I had also met aunt Edina, now 86, a day earlier. It was great fun to talk to her and hear a lot of things about the Scholes family.Helen belonged to the Scholes family while Vanice, her first husband, was from the Mangins. Emily is a sister of Vanice and a very nice and composed lady. Sharon and Penny, our daughters in Springfield were also at the lake. Lori was there too but she left early morning on Monday as she had some important work to attend to in her office.It was Lori's second outing trip for she had been earlier to Florida for a week.They had a wonderful time their. As Danny, her husband, was also there they had a good time there but gift of this trip was that all of them had tanned.
Pakistan President General Pervaiz Musharraf is eager to recognize Israel, probably to please his master. Earlier there was a news that Pakistan is ready to mediate between Palestine and Israel, if the two parties agreed. People had already started questioning this statement of the Pakistan Government as they didn't understand as to how Pakistan could mediate between these two countries when Pakistan did not recognized Israel. Now the story is folding out. After 9/11 Pakistan is in the process of "drifting" all the time to do things which can save General Musharraf, his Presidency, no matter Pakistan lives honorably in the community of nations or not.
Now See what Daily Nation, Lahore has to say;
Looking for an excuse......
THE President’s public utterances have, for some time past, given strong indications that he was looking for some kind of an excuse to recognise Israel. This also became evident from the response he gave to a question at a forum organised by CNN. Dated June 2nd,2005
The truth about interrogation tactics !!! ... ... ... By Marie Cocco .... ARLINGTON, Va.(USA) - There is nothing so liberating as a resignation.Ann Wright is now free to say what no one else dares: That no young military reservist could possibly have concocted the strategy of interrogating Muslim men by using religious humiliation and tactics of sexual degradation worthy of the Marquis de Sade."It came from the minds of some of the senior interrogators who are very well versed in Arab cultures," Wright told me. "Those types of things would be very well discussed."As a soldier and diplomat, Wright served Democratic and Republican administrations through wars hot and cold, through natural disasters and international crises. Then in March 2003, while serving as deputy chief of mission in Mongolia, she resigned in protest of the Bush administration's Iraq policy. Now after a life devoted to speaking for the United States, Wright speaks for herself.She has no proof of high level complicity, nor does anyone..... We are officially told that the abuse of detainees in American custody who were stripped naked and beaten, forced to simulate sexual acts, shaved of their religiously inspired beards, lured or leered at by women interrogators who rubbed their breasts against them, or smeared them with fake menstrual blood, or grabbed and sometimes kicked their genitals - are the handiworks of a few rogues who are duly punished when caught. To accept this as true we must also believe that these average kids from average American towns are experts on Islam, so well-versed in its strictures about sex that they dream up these methods up all by themselves.This makes no sense to Wright.She was among the first U.S. diplomats to arrive in Kabul at that hopeful time in late 2001 when the United States reopened its embassy in Afghanistan. Wright had joined the diplomatic corps after nearly three decades in the Army and reserves, where she'd reached the rank of colonel.She served in those unglamorous places where the United States is not necessarily loved, but is necessary nonetheless: Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Grenada, Nicaragua, Somalia. She won the State Department's award for heroism in 1997 for her actions during the evacuation of 2,500 people from the Civil War in Sierra Leone.At Arlington National Cemetery last week she addressed a conference of active and retired military women. Her talk was supposed to be about how it could come to pass that so many women figure so prominently in the military prison abuse scandals...... But it turned into a deeper lamentation about our new failure to connect the dots - the dots that could lead us to understand how and why the United States committed grave human rights violations.Being a former military woman herself, Wright knows a thing or two about giving orders, and about following them. "Either many supervisors did not supervise those in their chain of command or they condoned the abuse in the first place," she says.Wright has what she calls "curious questions" that remain unanswered. Questions such as, what happened to the additional photos of the scandalous behavior at Abu Ghraib, some of which the Pentagon showed to members of Congress a year ago? If we could see these pictures, would the face of the scandal still be so female - or would men star more equally?"I want to go in and count out all of the individual people who are in there," Wright says. An Army spokesman says the photos are being withheld under privacy laws, but a lawsuit over their release is pending.Wright believes she was inadvertently present at the creation of the human rights disaster, since her stint in Afghanistan coincided with the establishment of a detainment system for those swept up in the war on terror. "We knew the military had set up prisons throughout Afghanistan," Wright says. State Department officials were assured "everything's OK." Still, the diplomats were denied access to the jails, she says.Everything was most assuredly not OK. The Bagram detention center would become the site of two murders in 2002. Detainees who passed through various holding centers in Afghanistan on their way to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have said after their release that Afghanistan is where they were first subjected to physical and mental abuse.Wright says official investigations that stop low on the chain of command don't ask the right questions or provide full answers. How do we ever get them? "You don't. You don't," she replies. "It's people on the inside who have to spill the beans" .. ...........Address correspondence to: Marie Cocco, Washington Post Writers Group, Box 500, Washington, D.C. 20071. ----------------------------------------------- Comments (1) Zulfiqar Ali Butt, Lamar. writes: "Dear Ed, ... Thanks for publishing "the truth about interrogation tactics" in your today's newspaper too. People in the Muslim world are protesting against the high handedness of some of the irresponsible personnels of the US army in Afghanistan and Iraq jails but they are happy, according to the reports I am getting directly from Pakistan, that press in the USA has the courage to speak and bring to light the truth also. This passifies the Muslims on the one hand and helps the US Government to take action agaisnt those who are responsible for these inhuman actions. In my opinion a lot of care has to be taken in this respect for it creats reactionaries who are responsible for acts of terrorism especially in countires like Afghanistan and Iraq
The newspaper "Dawn" talks about the soaring prices of tender meat in Pakistan. In places like Lahore and Karachi its price has gone beyond rupees 250 to 300 and now the Government of Pakistan has allowed to import animals from India.
Dutt demise leaves us sad !!! The news of Sunil Dutt leaves one sad. Another film giant known as Ibrahim Merchant has died. This week has been a sad week for actors. In Pakistan Saeed Khan, know as Rangeela, a comedian has also died. I had visited him in Hospital last year quietly but was happy to see that he survived at that time. His daughter who is a doctor was looking after him properly. I wrote a letter to an English newspaper about a popular old time actress, Ruhi Bano and was surprised to see that the Punjab Government sanctioned rupees one lakh each for Ruhi Bano and Rangeela. Now he was being looked after by the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif. One must thank Nawaz for this too.Sunil Dutt originally belonged to a place near Jhelum, Pakistan, and married to Nargis, who belonged to a Kashmiri family of Lahore and later re-emerge in Bombay as a film Queen. I happen to have met her family who now have shifted to Karachi. Many of the family have the faces of Nargis and its very easy to understand their link to Nargis. God bless both of them.It is also to condole with Nargis-Sunil Dutt family with the prayer for the rest of their souls. Both will be remembered for a long time
Opposition's share in Senate ! Here goes Sen. Edward Kennedy's recent letter to me..... Dear Zulfiqar Ali, ... .We've succeeded in protecting the independence of our federal courts against this latest Republican attack. Yesterday, the Senate took the GOP's nuclear option off the table and abandoned its latest attempt to turn the Senate into a rubber stamp for this White House. The agreement sends a strong message to the President and Senator Frist that if they want to get his judicial nominees confirmed, their selections need to have broad support from the American people. It is clear today that the Republican leadership and their right-wing allies are not satisfied with that message. One conservative leader even called this agreement a "betrayal." It's obvious that the right wing still insists on absolute power to push their agenda. But it's just as obvious that they no longer have the ability to get their way. Thanks to you and thousands of Americans like you, we stopped their court-packing scheme. What we have done together in recent months is remarkable, and we have to keep the pressure on. Over one hundred thousand people spoke out against these extreme nominees, and told thousands more friends and neighbors about them as well. Sadly, we've had to spend far too long fighting against this Republican power grab. It's clearer than ever that Republican priorities are not the priorities of the American people, and we must continue to stand strong. In the coming months, I will be working on issues that have an impact on all Americans, especially in critical areas like national security and key issues such as jobs, education, health care, civil rights, and the environment. I'm committed to these issues that are so important to all Americans - and I'm confident we can prevail if we all stand together Thank you again for all your impressive work, this latest inspiring progress would never have happened without you Sincerely, Senator Edward M. Kennedy
Police faces the victim
Rape victim tells judicial committee of her ordeal ....By Shakeel Anjum ISLAMABAD: Fifteen-year-old Saira, who was allegedly raped at Shahzad Town police station here by a police official, recorded her statement before the judicial inquiry committee on Tuesday confirming the harrowing ordeal. Saira (victim), Razia Sultana (mother of Saira), Nasir, Ahmad Tony and this correspondent recorded their statement regarding the incident and all verified the incident. A medical board comprising lady doctors of the Federal Government Services Hospital examined the victim in the evening. The inquiry committee comprising Additional District Magistrate Zafar Iqbal Awan and Assistant District Magistrate Sajjid Chuhan recorded the statements of different witnesses. While talking to The News, Saira said she described the nightmare she had endured to the inquiry committee. "The inquiry committee gave us the confidence to tell the truth without fear or favour. I am fighting for justice," she said, adding the police were pressurising them to change statements. Razia Sultana said she had come to seek justice in the capital of the country where those who were supposed to provide protection to the honour and lives of people had raped her daughter. Nasir said: "I stated in my statement what I saw and faced." Ahmad Tony expressed the same sentiments. When asked, he said he told the inquiry committee how the probe was initiated and victims subjected to excesses. In his statement, this correspondent expressed his views about the police were using their might to present the victim as a prostitute to wriggle out of the situation.
.... comment} .... A girl was raped by police in Bombay Police station. In a similar incident Police raped a girl in a Pakistani Police station. No notice was taken till the Pakistani girl threatened to burn herself before the National Assembly building and President of Pakistan had to order inquiry into this case. This girl is a Silakot collage girl and high ups are trying to hush up this case as very high cadre people are involved in the rape of this girl. An Indian friend has the following comment to this story. It was published in the famous Sulekha.com on 27th April, 2005, which is reproduced for your reading. There it goes; All Comments on Girls' Rapes in Police Stations Posted by arian_29 on Apr 27, 2005 I've seen army officers sending their wives and daughters to their superior officers. While not every officer is as unethical and I know a lot of them who would rather quit the force than indulge in such things, it happens. I was also witness to an incident where I saw the teenaged daugher of an acquaintance, who was a Colonel, going up to a hotel room with a very very senior army officer and coming down the next morning. I guess she didn't go up there to read comics. I was a youngster working at the reception of that hotel on the night shift that day. The incident happened over two decades ago , but it still shows that these things happened even then. Why even my boss then, who was a homosexual, quite bluntly told me how easily I could get a promotion. I refused and remained a receptionist, while my juniors went ahead of me till I quit the hotel line for good. Morality, or the lack of it, is an age old phenomenon. and you just have to accept it as a way of life.
Lorie's family go for picnic !!!! Lorie and her two daughters, Alisha and Shelby, alongwith her husband have gone for picnic for one week soon after the schools closed for summer holidays. Traveling by plane was a big experience for the kids. She spoke to her mother, Helen, here today and told her that they were enjoying in Florida. We all here wished them safe journey back home.Lorie is Helen's second last daughter who works in Neveda, a town about 30 miles from here, but lives in Lamar with us.Helen's youngest daughter is Penny who lives in Springfield. She is another picture of our Gori in Pakistan. Eldest of all is Romano who also lives near Lamar and gives us company almost daily as she works in a factory near Lamar and our house is located on her way back home. She has one son and his nick is Scotty. A handsome young, polite and loving son. He sometimes accompanies me to the library here. L
.......... ....... Struggle for Change in the Valley of left overs of the army of Alexander the Great: The Kalash community dates to the time of Alexander the Great"In the past we used to learn from elders and have no written history or learning," says Luke Rehmat, a member of the dwindling 3,000-strong Kalash community nestled in the mountains of the Hindu Kush in northern Pakistan. "We want to preserve our culture, but it is also very necessary to get a good education for all, including women." Until recently, the lifestyle of the Kalash had changed little since the community was established, according to their oral history, by settlers from Alexander the Great's armies in 377 BC. But only a small number of the original population has resisted persistent efforts to convert them to Islam by neighbouring Muslim populations who historically labelled them Kafirs (non-believers). Luke Rehmat's Christian and Muslim names are a testimony to those outside influences. As transport and mass communications end the isolation of this tiny mountain population, the Kalash face new challenges to the survival of their way of life. Tourism, trade and development projects are bringing rapid change to this fragile culture. Rich faith Often, the pace of change has been too fast to come with the whole community's understanding and consent. Many fear that without urgent intervention the Kalash language, religion and lifestyle may be lost altogether. The Kalash have a rich faith. They believe in a supreme creator God, Khodai, and worship other deities who protect different aspects of life. As animists, nature plays a highly spiritual role in daily life. Sacrifices are offered and festivals held to give thanks for the abundant resources of their three lush valleys. But now, change is under way. Already, the self-sufficient farmers are moving towards a cash-based economy. Previously, wealth was measured in livestock and crops. Failed or successful harvests affected the whole community together. Improving health The arrival of money affected the interactions between Kalash and with the outside world. While the notes and coins of Pakistani currency remain unfamiliar to many, other Kalash families have already sold land to developers. One way to preserve the culture is to put the Kalash in a glass case....The other way is with education Athanasios LerounisGreek VolunteersAn animosity is developing towards the non-Kalash who profit as their shops and hotels permanently change the agricultural landscape of their valleys. Some change has been positive. Health services are improving, although they remain basic. There are no qualified doctors in the three valleys. When the mountain roads open with the spring thaw, a hospital can be reached in two hours by jeep. In winter, and for those who cannot afford the transport, small clinics and dispensaries have opened to offer first aid, basic medication and for immunisations. Trained female health visitors now work with traditional midwives to deliver babies and care for pregnant women. Glass case? The strongest influence the next generation faces may well be tourism. Women still wear long, embroidered dresses tied with colourful hand-woven belts and topped with ornate headdresses. Kalash schools encourage education particularly among girlsThese ancient costumes are so striking that they have become a major attraction for amateur photographers. At the spring festival of Joshi, one of the holiest in the calendar, locals watched perplexed as dozens of Pakistani tourists took pictures of European women dressed up as Kalash. "One way to preserve the culture is to put the Kalash in a glass case and have no one enter inside," says Athanasios Lerounis, who established the Greek Volunteers NGO in the Bumburat valley. "The other way - and the Kalash taught me this - is with education." Education ..... While visiting the valleys in 1995, Mr Lerounis offered to raise funds to improve the Kalash standard of living. He was surprised to find what their main interest was. Kalash braids and beads are a big tourist draw"I looked around and thought 'doctor, hospital or medicines', but they asked me for a school, a minority school," he said. At that time, the only available schools were government run, staffed exclusively by Muslim teachers and all children were taught Islamic studies. Many parents feared their children losing their heritage and kept them out of classes. "The teachers said to us, 'when you die, you will go to hell'," says Luke Rehmat, who is now the executive programme manager for the Kalash People's Development Network. "Many students turned to Islam after matriculation because they didn't keep their culture," added Mr Rehmat. In conjunction with the government, the Greek Volunteers have built five Kalash schools and two for the local Muslim children. The employment of Kalash teachers has brought about a rapid surge in enrolments. In the village of Anish alone, 160 students cram into two classrooms. Parents are now asking Mr Lerounis for more schools. "They told me: 'We are uneducated, but we believe that only through the education of our children will we protect our ethnic and religious identity'," he said.
Two different Countries .... ? The letter makes an interesting reading about Pakistan. Many so-called liberals still think that Pakistan and India are similar countries but see what the public thinks about Pakistan and it's liberal . enlightened real democracy.Phanindra Mankale of Centreville,USA, wrote; "It makes perfect sense. The basic structure of Pakistan is very similar to India," said Zia Chishti, founder of a call-center company ["Virtual Secretary Puts New Face on Pakistan," front page, May 10]. I beg to differ. India and Pakistan may have similarities in food and language, but a fundamental difference separates the two: India has been a democracy since 1947, and people can express their opinions without fear of the government. Pakistan is ruled by a general ......... Ben
>>Hello God ........ . . A prayer for Roomina, . my daughter-in-law in London ... >>I pray that this will bless you as it blessed me.>>>Hello God,I called You tonight. To talk a little while I need a friend who'll listen, To my anxiety and trial. You see, I can't quite make it. Through a day just on my own... I need Your love to guide me, So I'll never feel alone. I want to ask you please to keep. My family safe and sound. Come and fill their lives with confidence For whatever fate they're bound. Give me faith, dear God, to face Each hour throughout the day, And not to worry over things I can't change in any way.... I thank you God for being home And listening to my call, For giving me such good advice When I stumble and fall. Your telephone number, God, is the only one, That answers every time. I never get a busy signal, Never had to pay a dime. So thank you, God, for listening, To my troubles and my sorrows. Good night, God, I love You too, And I'll call again tomorrow! ... The man whispered, "God, speak to me"and a meadow-lark sang. But, the man did not hear. So the man yelled, "God, speak to me" and, the thunder rolled across the sky..... But, the man did not listen. The man looked around and said,"God let me see you." And a star shined brightly. But the man did not see. And, the man shouted,"God show me a miracle." And, a life was born. But, the man did not notice. So, the man cried out in despair,"Touch me God,and let me know you are here. "Whereupon, God reached downand and touched the man. But, the man brushed the butterfly away and walked on. I found this to be a great reminder, that God is always around us in the little and simple things that we take for granted...even in our electronic age......so I would like to add one more: The man cried,"God, I need your help!" ... And an e-mail arrived reaching outwith good news and encouragement. But, the man deleted it and continued crying... Don't miss out on a blessing because it isn't packaged,...the way that you expect. My instructions were to send this to people that I wanted God to bless and I picked you. Please pass this to people ...you want to be blessed. Expect the unexpected..... Have A Happy Day! Send this to all your friends and family. Including the person who sent it to you. Anyone that you love and care about. Let them know God is there,for them always even when everyone else,has betrayed you and left you.God bless ...... all .... of You !!!! .... >your hunble servant ....... BEN ZAB>
Comment on ..... A message in a bottle !!!! BEN_ZAB said... Writng for one's own self is a difficult job as one has to be correct and honest. Is it not like that with you? My experience as a (petty) journalist for over 30 years tells me all this but I would say keep it up as it will connect you, one day, to the outer world, which will be your own self at that time but keep a watch on yourself and never fall astray. Go to my blog as a family member. I am like a grand-pa to you. Good luck. 8:04 PM
My sister Emily wrote: - She writes about family life, religion and Qu'ran. ... Mr. Ben,I am enjoying reading your daily postings, and am getting a laugh out of some of them. For example, the email from heaven.And some very serious readings, the horrible way the crime of rape is dealt with in some countries. I hope your writings will bring about some changes in the laws there. The article, "understanding Islam, Islam's true spirit" by S. G. Jilanne.Very interesting. Please tell me about the Qu ran. Is it similar to our Christian Bible? From the article, the teachings seem to be very similar. You, Mr.Ben, are a very spiritual man.We have a new priest in our church. I am sure Helen has told you he is from Lahore, Pakistan. He doesn't speak good English, but I do understand him. In June he will be conducting a 12 noon mass every Sunday for the Pakistani people in our community. I will tell them about you, in the hopes someone will know who you are. I will keep you informed, and maybe some one of them will teach me some words in your language.With love and prayers, your sister, Emily
Stay on Course !!! Part-1-A Don't let Newsweek finger-pointing obscure the central question. Writing in Friday's Opinion Journal, Ali al-Ahmed -- director of the Saudi Institute in Washington -- explains: ................. As a Muslim, I am able to purchase copies of the Quran in any bookstore in any American city, and study its contents in countless American universities. American museums spend millions to exhibit and celebrate Muslim arts and heritage. On the other hand, my Christian and other non-Muslim brothers and sisters in Saudi Arabia--where I come from--are not even allowed to own a copy of their holy books. Indeed, the Saudi government desecrates and burns Bibles that its security forces confiscate at immigration points into the kingdom or during raids on Christian expatriates worshiping privately. . . As Muslims, we have not been as generous as our Christian and Jewish counterparts in respecting others' holy books and religious symbols. Saudi Arabia bans the importation or the display of crosses, Stars of David or any other religious symbols not approved by the Wahhabi establishment. TV programs that show Christian clergymen, crosses or Stars of David are censored. . .The lesson here is simple: If Muslims wish other religions to respect their beliefs and their Holy book, they should lead by example. (via GOP Bloggers) 2 Comments :..... He has an excellent point, and I am glad he took the trouble to make it. Yet the point for these societies that don't have our freedoms is that they will never hear it.It's not that Islam is incompatible with democracy; it's that no religion is compatible with totalitarianism. By MaxedOutMama, at 9:03 PM .. Ben-Zab wrote :- Dear,..... You are right about Quran about its open availablity in the USA..I want to tell you, that an old woman of the family I am staying within USA, presented me a copy of the Holy Quran, when I came to USA in 2003. Many of the people here, I have witnessed, have the utmost respect about (us) Muslims. Some don't but it is because they have limited knowledge about Islam. We should do a lot in this respect. ...................... Christian friends here are surprised when they come toknow that we Muslims believe in Bible, Jesus as prophed of God, thathe was born to virgin Mary with God's command, that he is alive andis still to come to deliver us from the evil. We are a step ahead ofour Christian friends only.So, many of us will be doing great service to Islam if we contribute byenlightening non-Muslims about what Islam really is.Please keep your effort up. I have your blog address and I keep on reading your contributions. By BEN_ZAB, at 12:51 AM
Dear Ms. K.Parker, ..... I was pleased to see your article in the Daily News-Leader,Springfield, today and here is the other side and the way I look at your article. I will not be addressing you directly as , I commented recently on another article published recently in the New York Times, I will be forwording that comment to you too with the hope to take into consideration that this approach of columnists, here in USA, is not going to help and bring peace in any part of the world, when peace is the most desired necessity of the present time. Now here I re-produce which I wrote to Mr.David Brook the other day. :.... This is what I wrote to him. You may also pick the points from these lines too to keep religious harmony intact. God bless you. ... ... " Bashing Newsweek" - weely ... Dear David Brooks .............. I fail to understand as to what service you have done by writing about your apprehensions in your article titled "Bashing Newsweek" in the Daily New York Times, dated May 19th,05. You believe that the prisoners in the X-ray camp are telling lies and you are forwarding this idea to the public in general here. Instead of finding ways and means to bring the Muslims close to Christians you are committing the same mistake which was committed by Newsweek earlier. There are people in the Muslim world who are re-reactionaries but so are some people here in USA. Muslims believe in the prophet hood of Jesus, God's command regarding his birth,Muslims believe that Mary was virgin, that Jesus is alive and in heavens and that he is to come back and deliver us from "evil". Islam is the only religion of the world which accepts Jesus as God's prophet. So think on these lines and think how close Muslims are to followers of Jesus. Do the Jews believe in Jesus ? No, but I leave it to you to see if they do? People who believe in Jesus are, according to you, your enemies and people who don't believe in Jesus are your friends ? How is this possible? This is like closing eyes to the real problem. I am married to a Christian lady here and I am a Muslim but religion and USA has never been a bone of contention between us just for the reason that we understand each others' stance on these things. You should also understand this aspect of life too. You can do this by your contributions by bring these "two cousins" together instead of talking of the Muslims as enemies. .... I was a (petty) Correspondent of the daily, The Pakistan Times, Lahore,Pakistan, for over 32 years and I have been to Afghanistan and Iraq back in 1967-72 and I can take you there to see yourself as to what has happened there really on the ground. Apart from bad people thousands of innocent people have been killed there for no fault of theirs. They suffered during Talibans and Saddam times in the past and, now are suffering at the hands of the occupying forces. So I would request you to write articles which can bring the two close to each other. That will be a welcome step. Yours, Zulfiqar Ali Butt, Lamar. MO. USA. So dear will you take into consideration the different aspect of this issue than to bring hatred between the two religions for the sake of having the liberty to write
Link ..... read with Part- One ......... Dear,..... You are right about Quran about its open availablity in the USA.. I want to tell you, that an old woman of the family I am staying with in USA, presented me a copy of the Holy Quran, when I came to USA in 2003. Many of the people here, I have witnessed, have the utmost respect about us Muslims. Some don't but it is because they have limited knowledge about Islam. We should do a lot in this respect. Christian friends here are surprised when they come to know that (we) Muslims believe in Bible, Jesus as prophed of God, that he was born to virgin Mary with God's command, that he is alive and is still to come to deliver us from the evil. We are a step ahead of our Christian friends only. So, many of us will be doing great service to Islam if we contribute by enlightening non-Muslims about what Islam really is. Please keep your effort up. I have your blog address and I keep on reading your contributions. yours, ..... Zulfi'qar Ali Butt.
Pakistan has offered to help solve the Middle East problem if the parties agree. On the other hand people who know Pakistan's standing in the area laugh at this offer. Pakistan better relations with India before talking loud . This offer of her is too big task for this country and perhaps is just to win cheap popularity. Arabs know very well that Pakistan is now number ONE stooge of the USA or it is an effort to come near Isreal ? Pakistan does not recognize Isreal how can she sit on the table with this country ? Did not I tell you ? There it is. Go ahead and enjoy. God may bless you all. Have a nice day.
www.nation.com.pk dated May 20th,2005... columns: Letters ....... . Hindu Brahmins, eh ? .... . . On Iqbal, poet of the East !!!!! . ..................Will some body throw light on the claim of an Indian blogger on Iqbal's ancestors? The claim is reproduced without addition of a single word. "Iqbal's family background is equally interesting as his grandfather Sahaj Ram Sapru was a Kashmiri Hindu Brahmin who as a revenue collector in Kashmir was accused by the then Afghan governor Azim Khan of allegedly embezzling state funds. The Afghan gave him the choice of death or conversion to Islam. Sahaj Ram Sapru chose life, and after assuming new names, he and his family moved to Punjab where the Iqbal of the future would change the course of history".-ZULFIQAR ALI BUTT, Lamar, USA, via e-mail, April
ZULFIQAR_ALI BUTT wrote: [ Bashing Newsweek] (Dear David Brooks ).... I fail to understand as to what service you have done by writing about your apprehensions in your article titled "Bashing Newsweek" in the Daily New York Times, dated May 19th,05. You believe that the prisoners in the X-ray camp are telling lies and you are forwarding this idea to the public in general here. Instead of finding ways and means to bring the Muslims close to Christians you are committing the same mistake which was committed by Newsweek earlier. There are people in the Muslim world who are re-reactionaries but so are some people here in USA. Muslims believe in the prophet hood of Jesus, God's command regarding his birth,Muslims believe that Mary was virgin, that Jesus is alive and in heavens and that he is to come back and deliver us from "evil". Islam is the only religion of the world which accepts Jesus as God's prophet. So think on these lines and think how close Muslims are to followers of Jesus. Do the Jews believe in Jesus ? No, but I leave it to you to see if they? People who believe in Jesus are, according to you, your enemies and people who don't believe in Jesus are your friends ? How is this possible? This is like closing eyes to the real problem. I am married to a Christian lady here and I am a Muslim but religion and USA has never been a bone of contention between us just for the reason that we understand each others' stance on these things. You should also understand this aspect of life too. You can do this by your contributions by bring these "two cousins" together instead of talking of the Muslims as enemies. .... I was a (petty) Correspondent of the daily, The Pakistan Times, Lahore,Pakistan, for over 32 years and I have been to Afghanistan and Iraq back in 1967-72 and I can take you there to see yourself as to what has happened there really on the ground. Apart from bad people thousands of innocent people have been killed there for no fault of theirs. They suffered during Talbans and Saddam times in the past and, now are suffering at the hands of the occupying forces. So I would request you to write articles which can bring the two close to each other. That will be a welcome step. Yours, Zulfiqar Ali Butt, Lamar. MO.64759 ...... Tel:417-681-0429
A memorial service was held in one of the grave-yards of Pittsburg, KS, about 23 miles from Lamar, MO, on May 17th, 2005, to remember and pay homage to Naomi G. Scholes. She was Helen Jane's cousin. She had passed on May 9th, 2005. She was born on (X'mas day ) December 25th, 1922. Over 35 people from her family, apart from friends of the family, were present there. I joined this memorial service from Lamar. It was a big experience to attend this memorial service. Naomi was about 83 years old lady of the School's family. Unfortunately she had seen the death of her two sons in their early ages. She had divorced as there were some differences in her family and with her husband. After divorce she never married. Except one or two ladies from amongst the gathering there there was no one to recognize Helen. However, her first two cousins were pleased to see her and welcomed her. I was also taken by Bill, her one cousin, in a friendly manner. Prayers were offered on this occasion by the pastor. We both returned after two hours trip to this service to join Scotty as he was alone home.
www.nation.com.pk ...... news-letter published in the paper dated May 18th,05. ...... Say hello to Liberty ......... ....... The two girls who were taken into custody by the New York police on the allegation that they will commit an act of terrorism by blowing themselves have been released after six weeks ordeal with the authorities. Out of these two, the Muslim girl came to USA when she was months old. Her only fault was that she did not like the American way of education so she left the school. Her father had complained about her involvement with somebody from some other state and sought the police help but all this landed her in the police custody. While she was being taken by the police for interrogation another girl said hello to her and the authorities thought she was also another person of the 'clique'. The poor girls had to spend more than six weeks in the custody for a filmsy ground. -ZULFIQAR ALI BUTT, Lamar, USA, via e-mail, May 10. Comment: Should not the US authorities take action against those who are responsible for this un-pleasant episode.
Emily Mancini-Wheeler has sent me a link to one of my weblog: ...................... Ben, thank you for your condolences. You are a good man. I have enjoyed reading your postings.
Aunt Emmie wrote; . Ramona Sue, ... . It's Sunday morning, I can't beliveit's been a whole week that my mom has been gone. I miss her so much. I'm just in shock. Your flowers were exquisite. Absolutely beautiful. The were on a long stand. Beautiful and pink roses, with a background of green and other flowers. All your names were on a nice card. The only flowers were from all of you. She was laid out in our little church. Lots of people came . Her neices and nephews from Ohio came and from Maryland. Some of the Mancini's came from New York. I asked of the nephews from Ohio to take pictures for you. He will send them to me and I will send them to you. It was quite a nice funeral. . You would have been so proud. I am going to church. I will pick up Ruthann's 11 years old son Michael as his an alter boy in our church ob Sunday's. I have a lot of stuff to send you, and I went through Granny's box of pictures, and will make copies of lots of your Dad for you. Keep in touch. . Love you very much, love to Scotty. Aunt Emmie. (Sunday May 15th)
Islam's True Spirit !!! BY: S.G.Jilanee . . . . YES, it is time, indeed high time, to rediscover Islam. There is need for it because what is going round under the rubric of Islam is not only a poor imitation, but sometimes even a disfigured copy of the original. Islam is already under wild attack from various quarters and it is time we respond, arguing our case logically, persuasively and convincingly and demolish the charges.Besides, some genuine questions that agitate minds of the believers need to be answered satisfactorily. “Put up or shut up,” won’t do. It is time we ourselves raise questions and seek their answers. The slogan that the Quran is a “complete code of human life” has become too worn out a cliche. People ask for evidence.For example, an ordinary reader is baffled when he comes across the Divine assertion “Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds.” (29:45). Looking round he observes that many of those who indulge in unjust and wicked deeds are also the ones who offer prayers regularly five times a day and in congregation, too. Again, it is said “Allah has revealed the most beautiful Message in the form of a Book ...repeating its teaching in various aspects. The skin of those who fear their Lord tremble there at ...and their hearts do soften.” (39:23). But do we experience any such feeling?The question should be, “why?” Where does the fault lie? What has gone wrong where and whether the situation can be salvaged and how? The answer to the first question is quite simple. Divine assertion cannot be wrong or frivolous. Only if the seven verses of the first sura, al Fatiha, are properly understood and their spirit imbibed, it would prove the veracity of the statement.Indeed, the opening verse, “Praise to Allah the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds,” should revolutionize one’s thinking. The very first attribute with which Allah introduces Himself is Rabb. The word is so comprehensive that translating it as “cherisher and sustainer” fails to capture its true sense. It includes the function of creation, protection, and the entire process of evolution from conception to birth and from cradle to grave.This realization should principally instil a feeling of self-assurance in the “creature,” that it is Allah alone who gives him food, protects him from dangers and misfortunes, cures him from ailments and cares for him so he feels a frisson of freedom from all factors that tend to intrude between him and his Creator. At the same time it should promote love and kindness for all of His creatures and negate the concept of gong aggressiveness such as going about sword in hand asking every non-Muslim to “say kalmia or pay jizya or fight,” or to kill every “infidel. ”Here are two concrete examples, both culled from the New York Times, of how Islam can change people’s lives. One is of Dierdre Small. It was the daily expression of Islam and its emphasis on the “oneness of God,” the five daily prayers, the way sentences are capped with words like inshallah, “God willing.” That is what turned her to Islam, and since the age of 12 she has been wearing hijab. The second is of Khalid Hakim, 57, a merchant mariner born as Charles Karolik in Milwaukee. By the early 1970s, he started reading the Quran. On his first reading, he found the Quran “boring,” he said. But after another try, he said, “I knew that this was filling the empty space that I had inside, ‘the spiritual longing.’”If only one recites “Show us the straight path, — the way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath and who go not astray,” (1:6-7) with sincerity, it would prevent him from going astray.The Quran is a book of precepts, injunctions, admonitions, commands, warnings and advice. It is not to provide shade to a bride leaving her home after her wedding. It is like a book of prescriptions. But the prescriptions will do no good if they are worn like a charm and not applied. As a Book of Etiquette, it starts from the injunction to “speak fair to the people, (2:83) to conduct and manners, deportment and demeanour, relations with spouse and family, parents, friends and other people both Muslims and non-Muslims, treatment of the poor and the indigent, orphans, widows and slaves, commercial transactions, lending and borrowing, even the tone and tenor of speech, — the catalogue is practically limitless, as it does cover the whole gamut of human life.The last named injunction is illustrated beautifully as, “Lower thy voice (while speaking) for the harshest of sounds is the braying of the ass.” (31:19) and as for the gait; “Walk not on the earth with insolence: for thou canst not rend the earth asunder nor reach the mountain in height” (17:37; 31. 18). These are only random samplings.But, of vital importance are the exhortations to reflect and ponder. For example, in the creation of night and day, of land with gardens of vines and fields sown with corn and palm trees, mountains, rivers, and fruit of every kind — date palm, olives, grapes, are signs for those who “listen, give thought, understand.” (10:67, 12:3-4, 16:11). Even the Night and the Day have been made subject to mankind, and the sun and the moon and the stars are in subjection by His Command, in which are signs “for those who are wise.” (16:12). And these injunctions are repeated a number of times in the Book.But do we ponder? Do we think how to put our “subjects” to use? The West is already acting on these admonitions though the “Code of Life” is with us. They have harnessed solar energy, for instance. If we gave the issue any serious thought the answer would be as plain as day, namely, that we have to have knowledge so as to harness the elements and the spheres.The importance of knowledge can be gauged from the fact that this was the basic factor that raised a “handful of Clay” to a station above Fire and even Light. (jinns and angels). For direct evidence reference to the glorious feats of Muslim scientists in the past — Al Kindi, Abu Sina, Ibn-i- Rushd, Farabi, Al-Khwarazmi, et al — would suffice. They literally searched for knowledge from everywhere, including Greek and Sanskrit.When Muslims gave up practical Islam, and turned it into a set of rituals, body without soul, decadence and degeneracy became their destiny. This is why prayer seems unable to prevent us from “unjust and wicked deeds.” Daily Dawn,Karachi, dated May13th 2005 under OPED- page
I am going to Springfield tomorrow (Friday) with Helen and will visit the Islamic center there. She calls it Shrine. I will see there as to what she means when she describes this center as Shrine.
Mothers' Day was celebrated in the USA today. My family in Narowal, Pakistan, does not have a mother there. So how will they celebrate this day? Sometimes they take me as their mother but I have shifted to USA and they are even without a 'father' at the moment. I spoke to Tanveer and Anne today on the phone. While the other boys, Musa and Hamza, were sleeping Sajra Noor, my grand-daughter, was awake and she said hello to me. I could over hear Abdullah Sulman trying to reach me but as he can't talk I was unable to make a contact with him. Here Helen's all children celebrated Mothers' Day with her. Sandy and Penny came from Springfiled while Lori and Mona joined us from here. So were their kids. Tristin read out to me ten of his saying for the reason of which he loved his mom, Penny. Scotti brought a beautiful small trolly for his mother. Kareen had visited us, accompanied by her youngest daughter Samie, two days earlier and brought a beautiful gift for Helen. Dave brought a plant for her. Dave is a nice and loving son-in-law and Penny's husband. Alisha and Shelbe also joined us at Mona's for a desert party. Both are Lori's daughters. We all had a grand dinner party at Mary's Chiken about 12 miles from Lamar, MO, in honor of these children's mother, Helen Jane Butt. She looked so beautiful and smart that I had to tell her of this reality but she thought it was because she looked good and beautiful to "me". God bless her children here and all in Pakistan. I was happy to read in the Daily Nation, Lahore, a newspaper from Pakistan that Mothers' Day was also celebrated there too but sad side of it was that my children missed their Mom there.May be we all are togather here next year.