Islam and Women ... Another side !!!
Muslim women !!! ......;IN reply to Sheikhyerbooty for his rejoinder captioned as "Islam respects its women but the Mullahs and its Believers... ????", I have to say that instead of taking into consideration the main point I raised he is now come to other things which have no relation to the main reason. as forwarded by me, in my submission. ... .... I talked about as to why women in Islam are not allowed to mix with the mixed society. I repeat it is for the reason that there is a danger that a woman may fall astray, have illicit relations with some male, be pregnant and give birth to a child who does not belong to her husband. .. ... We, as Muslims, don't force other women of other religions but we expect Muslim women to remain on the lines set by the Holy Koran.You don't need to kick my BUTT but to listen to my submission. If you like you can can go ahead by giving the prevailing type of freedom to your own mother, wife, sister or your daughter. I would not mind. Go ahead and have a direct experience. You will see you will not dare. You can give such freedom to other peoples' women folk but not your own. ... ... Yes, I sit in USA and truely its a land of freedom but I have the choice not to eat ham or take drink. I am happy, where ever I go I am pointed out with honour, by the folks as the one who does not drink. It may be a point of interest to you to know that 60 per cent divorces here are the direct result of over drinking. Many women folk don't like their mates to drink,they tell me,but it is become order of the day today and for that they have to pay the price. The price is broken homes and a large number of divorces. You may go ahead for drinks as it is part of the freedom you want, but, I hope, not in your own home? All around the world even some Muslim women behave ultra-modren out-look but they are a few. You may be reconsiled with them and say that they are the only one who enjoy the type of freedom you preach. One of the recent enlightened women who, here in America is being vide newspaper coverage, calls herself Muslim, tries to lead the prayers as Imam (leader) but she is the mother of a illigemate child. She goes to Makkah for Hajj and indulges in adultery too and still claims to be a Muslim. For such woman ( for man as well ) in Islam the punishment is stoning till death. Instead of standing for punishment she wants to be the Imam, a leader, of the Muslims. How is it possible, justified and honourable? If proven there is no punishment, in Islam, other than death for a person who commits adultery. Having free sex is no problem in certain socities around the world but please forgive Muslim women for this. It may be a big surprise for readers that in Islam a murderer may be forgiven for taking a life of some body, if pardoned by the dead persons relatives. But any one who commits adultery and the act is proven the person can't be forgiven.He or she has to be put to death. Why ? Its because to put a big sanction on woman (the man as well) to keep intact the re-production link. Off-springs should be from the same father so that the honour of the sect/race is saved. This is another way to tell the woman that she will face death if she committed adultry. I hope you get my point.I have travelled to Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. How many women have been liberated in Afganistan? A few. The rest of women are following the same Islamic traditions. In Saudi Arabia women are not alloowed to drive their cars. So what is the big harm in it. It is done for safety reasons. I have seen many Saudi Arabian women without veil. In fact at Makkah no woman can cover her face. I fail to understand as to why some sections of society want to give, their own kind of freedom, liberty to Muslim women. It is stangely number ONE issue for some. Instead of talking about Muslim women freedom you should take care of your own home and leave, poor to you, Muslim women to Muslims. ....As mentioned by you of my becoming a minister in Talabans Government, if they come back, I have to tell you (politely) that I don't need to become a minister. I am happly involved in my own family where I had a woman as my mother. Now I have a loving wife, sisters and daughters and that I am having a smooth sailing. My family is my kingdom and I love and respect all those who are in my family. I am greatful also to Almighty for all this. I had a wonderful journey of my life and this is what I have to submit to my readers. ...I know the word Butt in America (slang) is a bad word and, may be you have used it to tease me, but I have the courage to keep it as part of my last name. Even my wife uses Butt as part of her name here too for she says its our family name and we must use our family name. As for you I have to tell you that there WERE many Butt families amongst the American families here only in the last century. You have lot of Butts in your country too and, I always take BUTT as striking of the heads of two fighting male goats, oxs or the bulls. I hope you will see it that way too. ... ...Its day here when I am writing this note and you are sleeping there as its night here. We belong to two different worlds and so are the Muslims when you compare them with other religions. Let them follow their own ways and don't fight for the freedom of Muslim women.
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