Wednesday, June 08, 2005

A farewell to Jim Larson, a nice man and a friend.

Jimes F. Larson buried with great respect and Love. A tribute to a nice man ...May God bless him. . James F. Larson (called Jim) was buried with family love, devotation, respect and deep feelings of sorrow this morning near Coal Hill cementry. Amid tears, loving emotions and sobs from his sons, daughters. grandsons/daughters and with prayers from his 34 grand grand-sons/daughters he finally back to the Lord. . I sat and listened to the memorial services held in one of the country side Churches near El Darado, Missiouri. Jim Family is a big family from near Neveda,MO, USA. Jim was brother-in-law of Helen and husband of Pearl, the lady I call my dear sister. I always tell her that she is not my sister-in-law but my own sister. This 77 year old loving lady accepts me as her brother. She knows that I had great regards for Jim. Earlier I had gone to see him in a Kansas City hospital on 39th Street, Raymond, Gene and Helen, also where Jim had asked me to pray for him, which I did but I knew it was not going to pay him much. I was told by his sons and daughters, on that occasion, that as he had lung canser he had very little time at his disposal. That's what really happened on the forth day. He died on 4th June and stands buried today in his family grave-yard, beside his mother, peacefully. ... The only thing which surprised me was that he was lowered down in the grave in the absence of all his loved ones and when all his kith and kin had left. I asked Helen as to why they would not lower him in the presence of all his family members who were present in the cementry and this is what she had to tell me. "It's hard to see one's loved one go in the grave. So all move away and this job is done by the work force of the funeral-house management". . I was told by Mona and Lori earlier that a lot of people had visited on the occasion of a function called 'visitation'. This allows those family members, friends and all others, who can't join the burial rites, to come and condole with the family an evening earlier before the burial. . Jim had eleven children of their own, 37 grand-children and 34 great grand-children. A big family, I prayed for them and say, in the end, that God bless the dear departed soul and all those who are left behind


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